Elections for councillors are held every four years.
The Parish Council undertakes a number of functions, including the maintenance of open spaces and grants for local organisations. The Council pays a grant to the Church to help maintain the churchyard; it owns and maintains the Lawns and the play equipment; it leases and maintains the playing field in Combe Wood Lane: and owns and maintains the Green in front of the post office. Recent grants have helped pay for the new railings on the Lawns and the church clock.
In order to obtain income to meet its expenses a parish precept is charged on the council tax bill collected by the District Council. The Council’s accounts are audited and certified annually.
One of the Council’s main functions is to consider planning applications. The District Council, who has the responsibility for determining planning applications, always seeks the views of the Parish Council. Details of past and current planning applications, including plans, may be seen on South Somerset District Council’s website www.southsomerset.gov.uk Click on planning application search on the top right hand side of the home page and show Combe St. Nicholas for parish search.
South Somerset District Council has defined the development and conservation areas of Combe and the conservation area in Wadeford. The latter is outside the Combe development area. With rare exceptions, housing development cannot take place outside the development area.
Since 1894 the council has owned an ancient piece of woodland of approximately an acre situated at Ham and a nominal rent is received.