Report your recent Flooding and Flooding incidents from the past
Further to the Combe St Nicholas Parish Council (PC) Meeting on Monday 26th July.
Mrs Helen Smith, Service Manager – Flood & Water Management, Community Infrastructure Commissioning, Somerset County Council, reiterated her apology for the lack of an operational microphone to allow her to speak via Zoom at the PC meeting.
Mrs Smith will come to the Parish on Friday 13th August to understand the problem areas and the damage cause by the recent floods. To allow the inspection to be thorough and structured, we need advice from you all.
If you were flooded or know of a neighbour who was flooded please report or assist the flooded neighbour to report as much detail as possible.
To help collate this information if you could put the details into the following sections it will help in recording the data. Any details that you send will be kept private and only used by us in respect of this flooding incident
In the email Subject line please put; Flooding in Combe St Nicholas Parish
In the text area, please can you put;
- The name of your property
- Your name
- Landline Number
- Mobile Number
- What was flooded
- Where you believe the water entered onto your property and where did the water come from (stream, road, drain etc)
- When did this happen. In addition, when has it happened in the past to the best of your knowledge. Please give as much info as possible even if you were not in occupation for the previous incidents
- Why do you think this flooding occurred
- What help do you think the community need to prevent or assist to prevent flooding in the future
Please provide as much detail as you can under each heading
Finally how could you personally assist the community, as part of a group?
Please email all the above to the email address below
and Report via
The Flood Online Reporting Tool (FORT)
This is a website that allows people to report flooding and submit photographs.
This information goes to the risk management authorities and helps in planning for future flood mitigation measures.
There is also a short online training video about using FORT:
The Flood & Water Management team’s email account is
The floodline number is 0345 988 1188 (24 hour service).
If you are not able to report via Flood Online Reporting Tool (FORT) please send your report directly to
If you or your neighbour does not have access to email then put the details in writing and pass it to the Parish Clerk, Mrs Anne Hunt at Alterhay House, Combe St Nicholas, TA20 3LT
Please respond before the 9th August thank you.