
Minutes of PC Meeting 28/10/2024.

Minutes Uploaded on November 20, 2024

Public time   –



Held in the Village Hall on Monday 28th October 2024 at 7.30pm


PARISH COUNCILLORS        Mr. Ed Cockburn, Chairman

Mrs Di Hine, Miss Sue Pargeter, Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake,       

Mrs. Louise Simmons,

Messrs. Ian Croucher, Dr. Colin Ryall, Ian Whitehead


Also    Mrs. Jenny Kenton, (County Councillor) Mr. Martin Wale (County Councillor) 3 members of the public and Mrs. A. Hunt – Parish Clerk


Apologies – Messrs. John Gilbert and Ian Stonex,


49/2024                 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – None


50/2024                 COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT


Councillor Jenny Kenton – 450 Compulsory cuts in jobs from 1st April 2025 to help save £30/40 million which will affect services.  There is a winter coat exchange at Chard Library – open to everyone.

Home Owners Energy Efficiency Loan `Lendology` is now available.


Martin Wale (County Councillor) – Devolution consultation – request from Govt. for Somerset /Wiltshire.  Consultation currently running re electoral boundaries to reduce the number of County Councillors.  Combe St. Nicholas now part of Chard North including Buckland St. Mary.


  1. b) The Planning Committee should be discussing the planning application for 295 homes at Mount Hindrance/Cuttifords Door in December or January. Parish Councillors can attend and re-iterate their decisions. If passed our Parish will be awarded CIL payments of £40 per square metre, with 15% of the total.  The 106 Agreement will also have to be in place, and this Parish should be the recipient, with use for school extensions, etc.    4 Councillors hope to attend the meeting and give their views before decisions.


51/2024                 MINUTES


The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 23rd September 2024 were approved as a true record and signed


52/2024                 HIGHWAYS


Public footpaths CH14/22 and CH14/21 Notification received from Somerset County, Rights of Way Modification Officer, re an application that has been received to upgrade these footpaths to restricted byways.

Three Landowners are affected by this notification and have given information that historically these footpaths have always been just footpaths, and not bridleways or byways, and the section across agricultural farmland is for cattle, which would be entirely unsuitable if horse riders start crossing it.

Following discussions, it was unanimously agreed to object to these paths being upgraded.

The case will go before the Strategic Planning Committee for a decision.


52/2024                 HIGHWAYS   Cont/d


  1. b) The Speed Indicator Device in Wadeford has been damaged but the batteries have now been fully charged and repaired.
  2. c) Councillor Cockburn is trying to arrange a meeting with both landowners and Asst. Highways Manager in Whiteway to arrange drainage to stop the large puddle developing after heavy rain.


53/2024                 PLANNING


  • App. 24/02470/TPO Land opposite Wayside, High Street. App. To carry out tree surgery on 1 magnolia tree. Notification only.
  • App. 24/02301 Lower Stantway, Stantway. Demolition of existing single storey extension, and erection of a single storey extension and new front porch canopy. No objections
  • App. 24/02164 Land OS 0067 Combe Wood. COU of land to equestrian, retention of installed concrete slab and erection of new stables and tack room on the concrete slab (part retrospective).

No objections, but recommend family and friends use only.

  • App. 24/02181/Planning in Principle. Erection of a minimum of 1 dwelling and a maximum of 1 dwelling with electric car charging point at land west of Combe Head House, and the upgrade of foul water system respectively at land at Whiteway Farm (to offset phosphate regulations). No objections


54/2024                 THE LAWNS PLAY AREA/THE GREEN


Reply received from `Inspect and Repair` of Ilminster giving a quote to repair some items as listed in the recent RoSPA report.  Further enquiries will be requested for other items, such as new chains for swings.


55/2024                 FINGERPOSTS


Councillor Ian Stonex circulated an update of the various fingerposts that required attention, and the time scale agreed with Somerset Forge for dismantling and repair.

Councillor Stonex thanked for all his work on this subject.


56/2024                 FLOOD/RESILIENCE INFORMATION


Next Somerset Prepared County Meeting takes place on 6th November at Bridgwater.  Open to all Parishes.  Somerset Rivers Authority have completed a study in Wadeford and a new water gauge is to be fitted near the Wadeford bends.  Their representative will attend the next Parish Council meeting.  The Flood wardens have been clearing the buttle of leaves to help alleviate any flooding in nearby properties.


57/2024                 FINANCE


The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking


Mrs A. Hunt (broadband costs)                                                          £30.00

Village Hall (Oct.  PC mtg)                                                                  £18.00

Ian Croucher (repay costs to repair SIDs)                                       £25.58

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal (section S137)                       £100.00

Mr. D. Bristol (hedge cutting costs)                                                 £162.00


58/2024                 GENERAL MATTERS  

  1. A `Care & Share` cupboard has been erected in the south porch of the Parish Church for excess produce, etc. b) Remembrance Sunday 10th  Meet at 10.45am
Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council