
Minutes of PC Meeting 25/11/24

Minutes Uploaded on January 23, 2025

Public time   –



Held in the Village Hall on Monday 25th November 2024 at 7.30pm


PARISH COUNCILLORS        Mr. Ed Cockburn, Chairman

Rev. Deborah Perreau, Miss Sue Pargeter, Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake, Mrs. Louise Simmons,

Messrs. Ian Croucher, Dr. Colin Ryall, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead

Also    Mrs. Jenny Kenton, (County Councillor) 2 members of the public and Mrs. A. Hunt – Parish Clerk

Apologies – Mrs. Di Hine, Messrs. John Gilbert, Mr. Martin Wale (County Councillor)


59/2024                 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Rev. Deborah Perreau declared an interest in the Finance item regarding the donation to the P.C.C. for the upkeep of the churchyard.


60/2024                 COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT

 Councillor Jenny Kenton – Road works in Chard re gas and sewage replacements will take place from January through to September, affecting A358, Victoria Avenue and Glynswood.

A query was raised about the diversion of the 99 bus route during these various roadworks but Highways are supposed to tell First Bus when and where the closures are so that diversions can be arranged.

The Slinky Bus is available to anyone who cannot use the 99 bus.  Anyone interested needs to ring 01935 477399 to register and book.  Concessionary fares @ 50%.  Will pick up for home.


61/2024                 MINUTES

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 28th October 2024 were approved as a true record and signed


62/2024                 PLANNING

  • App. 24/02112 Land OS 6479 Poltimore Lane. Change of use of land from agric. to holiday glamping site for siting of 5 glamping pods, conversion of barn into glamping facilities. Assoc. landscaping, and hardscaping.  Some suggestions were given to amend the plans – concrete pathways due to the width and weight of modern electric wheelchairs, hoists suggested inside the pods for disability users and showers. No objections.
  • App. 24/02723/PAMB Land at Crock St. Prior approval notification for change of use of agricultural buildings to a dwelling house. Notification only.
  • App. 24/02570/S73A Land adjoining Three Corners, Stoopers Hill. Vary Cond. 1 of approved plans for the removal of basement, entrance wall elevation, bushes amended on site plan, smaller 2 pane rooflights, windows moved to centre on NW elevations relating to planning consent 23/01525. Vary Cond. 1 of approved plans 22/02091 to replace integral garage with additional living space and a plant room resulting in fenestration changes and a reduction in floor area relating to previous applications.

A 60m. wall and gates and replacement laurel hedge shown on plans not in keeping with environmental surrounds.  3 garages and full site boundary not shown on plans.  Object unanimously.


63/2024                 THE LAWNS PLAY AREA

Reply received from `Inspect and Repair` of Ilminster giving a quote to replace the chains on both sets of swings – £482 plus vat.   Agreed unanimously     The football goal posts have been completely damaged.  Quote to be obtained for sturdier ones, preferably on wheels.


64/2024                 HIGHWAYS

Arrangements are being made for a meeting with the Asst. Highways Manager on site in Whiteway to try and solve the problem of flooding on the roads.     Some Grit bins now need refilling


65/2024                 FINGERPOSTS

 All the damaged fingerposts have now been repaired by Somerset Forge and re-installed.  Some posts have damage at base possibly caused by grass strimming.  Some would benefit from cleaning – volunteers welcome.

Councillor Stonex thanked for all his work on this subject.


66/2024                 ALLOTMENTS LEASE

 Lease between the landowners and Parish Council is in the process of being signed by both parties, showing an increase in the annual rent to £456.    Following receipt of signed copies from the landowners, the lease between the Parish Council and the Combe Allotments Association will be signed.


67/2024                 FLOOD/RESILIENCE INFORMATION

2 representatives attended the Somerset Prepared Meeting on 6th November at Bridgwater and obtained useful information for possible future events.  A trial scenario event for this Parish to be arranged with the Environment Agency shortly to check/learn procedures needed in a possible future event.  Highways have completed some remedial work in Nimmer and Pudleigh.


68/2024                 FINANCE

 Financial figures were circulated in readiness for the Precept decision required at the January meeting.  In view of the current Somerset County financial position more responsibilities will probably have to be undertaken by this Parish Council, such as verge cutting, drain clearance.  Figures to be obtained from Somerset County of current costs.    Pre-warning of increase to be included in the next Cloverleaf Magazine report.


The cost of the upkeep of the churchyard for 2024 is £2415. After discussion it was resolved to donate 75% of the cost.  Rev. Deborah Perreau took no part in this item.

A request received to give a grant towards the printing of the Cloverleaf Magazine as the various advertisements do not quite cover the annual printing costs.   It was resolved to donate £500

A request received from Citizens Advice Bureau for a grant towards their voluntary service and advice, available for any resident.  Figures show local residents are using this service.  It was resolved to donate £150 for this year.


The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking

Mrs A. Hunt (broadband costs)                                                             £30.00

Village Hall (Nov.  PC mtg)                                                                    £18.00

Somerset Forge (repair of fingerposts)                                               £1698

  1. Powell & Sons (grass cutting/CWF/Stoopers Hill/soil        £4272

Netwise UK                                                                                              £12.00

Inspect & Repair (new chains at Play area)                                     £578.00

Combe St. Nicholas P.C.C. (Upkeep of Churchyard S.137)          £1800.00

Cloverleaf magazine   (Section S.137)                                               £500.00

Citizens Advice Bureau (Section S.137)                                            £150.00


69/2024                 GENERAL MATTERS       —

Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council