Public time –
Held in the Village Hall on Monday 23rd September 2024 at 7.30pm
PARISH COUNCILLORS Mr. Ed Cockburn, Chairman
Mrs Di Hine, Miss Sue Pargeter, Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake,
Mrs. Louise Simmons,
Messrs. Ian Croucher, John Gilbert, Dr. Colin Ryall, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead
Also Mr. Martin Wale (County Councillor) and Mrs. A. Hunt – Parish Clerk
Apologies – Rev. Deborah Perreau, Mrs. Jenny Kenton, (County Councillor)
Martin Wale (County Councillor) – a) Somerset County financial emergency still ongoing and the Chief Finance Officer is retiring. A motion will be discussed at next S.C. meeting to send a letter to the current Labour Government against the proposal to withdraw the winter fuel payment for pensioners.
- b) The Planning Committee should be discussing the planning application for 295 homes at Mount Hindrance/Cuttifords Door in December. Parish Councillors can attend and re-iterate their decisions. If passed our Parish will be awarded CIL payments of £40 per square metre, with 15% of the total. The 106 agreement will also have to be in place, and this Parish should be the recipient, with use for school extensions, etc. 4 Councillors hope to attend the meeting and give their views before decisions.
- c) After two years some planning applications in Wadeford are still awaiting decisions, and these are beyond the statutory time for decisions. Martin is meeting with Chief Executive to investigate.
41/2024 MINUTES
The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 22nd August 2024 were approved as a true record and signed
- The owners of the Neighbouring property need to erect a new fence. Due to the trees /bushes on the eastern boundary a meeting was held on site re the line of this new fence. Agreed in principle and an agreement re the new fence has been signed by both parties for future information.
- `Inspect and Repair` of Ilminster can check the play equipment and repair anything as required. It was agreed to send them a copy of the last quarterly play inspection report and ask for a quote re the repairs. The current agreement with Somerset Council to be kept for the foreseeable future.
THE GREEN A request received to use a metal detector on The Green and also Combe Wood Rec. Field. This was agreed for a single visit. 8 – 1 in favour.
43/2024 HIGHWAYS
A meeting has been arranged for the 25th September for the 2 residents who have been checking all the gullies (drains) in the Parish and Derek Davies, the Asst. Highways Manager, to clarify the amount of vegetation and clearance above needed for Highways to be able to clear the drains. Clerk and another Councillor also to be included.
Discussions about the cost of hiring Jetta machines to clear the gullies and pipes has continued (approx.£1000 a day) or even purchase.
Church path is becoming rather overgrown with brambles, etc. Landowners on either side to be contacted re clearance.
Clayhanger – at the entrance to public footpath CH7/12 some potholes are appearing, as work is being carried out on the footpath entrance. When completed inform Highways.
44/2024 PLANNING
- App. 24/02067/TCA Mulberry House, New Road. Notification of intent to fell 1 tree within a conservation area. Notification only.
- App.18/040457/OUT Outline app, for mixed development, residential development up to 295 dwellings, provision of floodlit full size football pitch, unlit training pitch and community sport pitch with assoc. multi use clubhouse, spectator facilities and vehicular parking area, hub for local neighbourhood facilities and all other associated planning works Points to be agreed prior to notes for the planning meeting in Yeovil in December.
Following decision at July meeting to check all the fingerposts 5 years on for original rejuvenation Councillor Stonex has checked them for current condition. His report was circulated to all Councillors.
10 need attention due to damage, rust appearing, 2/3 need a good clean, 1-2 no action needed.
Quote received from Somerset Forge re repair and rejuvenation of the 10 posts. It was resolved to agree the quote of £1415 + vat. (9 in favour, 1 against). Some of the damage at the base of the posts could be caused by hedge/verge machinery. Councillor Stonex thanked for all his work on this subject.
Next Somerset Prepared County Meeting takes place on 6th November at Bridgwater. Open to all Parishes. A new storage place needed for water snakes in the Court Mill Lane area, unless new occupier of current location is willing to continue to store them.
47/2024 FINANCE
External Audit completed – Notice of conclusion of audit forms to be posted on the website.
The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking
Mrs A. Hunt (broadband costs) £30.00
Village Hall (Sept. PC mtg) £18.00
PKF Littlejohn (external Audit) £210.00 + £42 VAT = £252.00
Mr. I. Croucher (repay expenses re voucher etc for Clerk) £74.74
Recipes needed for Village cookbook to raise funds for Church ceiling.
Community Harvest Supper this weekend in Village Hall. Thanks given from Clerk for gifts.
Check with Rights of Way Warden re new gate for footpath CH14/22.