
Minutes for PC Meeting 30/05/24.

Minutes Uploaded on June 19, 2024

 Public time   – The large puddle which develops after heavy rain on Whiteway was discussed, but as there are no road drains in this area it is the responsibility of the nearby landowners



Held in the Village Hall on Thursday 30th May 2024 at 7.40pm


PARISH COUNCILLORS        Mr. Ed Cockburn, Chairman

Rev. Deborah Perreau, Mrs Di Hine, Miss Sue Pargeter, Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake,

Mrs. Louise Simmons,

Dr. Colin Ryall, Messrs. Ian Croucher, John Gilbert, Ian Stonex,

Also     9 members of the public, -Mrs. A. Hunt – Parish Clerk

Apologies –Mr. Ian Whitehead, Mrs. Jenny Kenton and Mr. Martin Wale (County Councillors)


1/2024                   ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN

 Mr. Ed Cockburn was proposed by John Gilbert, seconded by Ian Croucher, and elected unanimously.


2/2024                  ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIR

 Rev. Deborah Perreau was proposed by Dr. Colin Ryall, seconded by Louise Simmons, and elected unanimously.


3/2024                   DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – None


4/2024                   COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT

 None received.


5/2024                   MINUTES

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 22nd April 2024 were approved as a true record and signed


6/2024                   PLANNING

  •  App. 23/02972/FUL (see also App.22/00055/ENF) Land OS 4029 at The Old Farmhouse, Clayhanger. Retention of 6 on-site containers of which 1 contains a toilet, shower, kitchen and sheep pampering unit, and 5 to be used for storage units/workshop spaces, 1 above-ground portable septic tank, 1 stable, 2 livestock sheds, 1 static caravan for welfare space (all elements retrospective) along with the proposed erection of 1 stable block and 3 sheep sheds in field. Change of useof paddock 2 from agricultural to equestrian.

23 comments from residents on the website – 16 against, and 7 in support.  Comments sent in reply to Planning Dept. from Parish Council – The land until very recently formed part of the holding of the Old Farm House in Clayhanger.  To the North and West, it is bordered by a highly distinctive network of field enclosures that are of historic importance and local identity. To the south and east the fields are a mix of permanent pasture, species rich meadow and parcels of SSSI   The hamlet of Clayhanger, a few hundred meters to the south east, boasts four listed properties.

The applicant’s actions, conducted without consent, have resulted in the inappropriate and extensive use of shipping containers and the industrial littering of trampolines, plastic play equipment, old car tyres, traffic cones, IBC containers and orange barrier netting, and the extensive use of Heras fencing over the whole field, including the public footpath, which is highly inappropriate and has caused the blocking of the footpath.  It has an adverse impact on the countryside.

With the extensive use of cctv to monitor stock, a caravan is deemed totally unnecessary.

The Parish Council is well represented by the farming community, collectively responsible for the care of over 1000 cattle and sheep over several hundred acres with respect for both livestock and our environmental heritage.  This is done without a single caravan, and without the need of a kitchen, loo and septic tank in every field, or indeed any field.

A retrospective environmental report is of no value and no phosphate impact or mitigation has been considered.  The earth work associated with the installation of the shipping containers and any environmental impact will not be known but the earthworks to the entrance have diverted road runoff and are arguably partially responsible for a flooded section of the highway along Whiteway.  This continues to cause problems to drivers and for the majority of the winter has rendered the road impassable to pedestrians.

Our green space is our greatest natural heritage and should therefore demand our greatest respect, our agricultural community is largely very mindful of this responsibility.

This application has enraged the community, judging by the many detailed letters of objection, but not a single endorsement of support from the parish.  The Enforcement Notice was served on the applicant some two years ago, but he has still pressed ahead regardless with expanding his activities and `infrastructure` on this field – the vast majority of what is there now was done after that Notice had been issued.  We regard this as a case study of planning abuse which has shown a complete desecration of a historical landscape.  The proposal has detrimentally impacted on the character and amenity of the area.  Approving this retrospective planning permission would be concerning for the future of our countryside.


  • App.24/00699 Pole Rue Farm, Pole Rue Lane. Demolition of existing agricultural building and erection of detached dwelling (to replace approved Class Q Prior approval for dwelling permitted under App. 23/02790/PAMB No objections
  • App.24/00864 Cuttifords Door Farm, Cuttifords Door. Removal of temporary storage trailers and erection of a steel-framed workshop/store building. (resubmission of 23/02732) No objection, although query re bio-diversity reports which show bat/bird boxes height should be 4 m. but the eaves are only 3.2 meters high.
  • App. 24/00939 Land at Newhouse Farm, Plot 2, Combe Wood Lane.  Change of use of land from agricultural to residential curtilage of Plot 2 of the development and extending the footpath along the front of the site.    No objections, but no entrance to the adjoining field in future.
  • App.22/02856 Land opposite Brimbles, Combe Wood Road, Menage.  Concern from residents about the height Verify with Planning Officer and amount of haulage lorries/soil going to site.


7/2024                   HIGHWAYS


  1. a) In Whiteway the very large puddle near Ridge Cottage should drain away but no drains nearby or ditches. A grip (small channel through the verge) would be the usual way to alleviate any build up in future. Highways Dept. not currently willing to take action for them.  Responsibility of the owners of the field.


  1. b) Verge cutting – This is normally carried out in July for this Parish by Highways. Query with them re legal requirements if carried out by farmers/residents.



 Some flooding occurred recently, due to heavy rain, in Court Mill Lane (kitchen flooded) and sewerage leak in the bungalow section of Court Mill Lane – reported to Environment Dept.

A flood water level indicator will be fitted in the stream by Mill Mead, Wadeford.


9/2024                   ALLOTMENTS

 See Minute 116/2023/4 The preferred Shed size to be erected for storage would be 10` x `12`.  Letter to be sent to owner of the land to see if this can be approved in Lease renewal due 12/2024.


10/2024                 THE LAWNS PLAY AREA

Work to remove brambles on front east corner plus extend the chain link fencing to the end of the wall has been completed.


11/2024                 FINANCE

 External Audit – 2nd July.   Internal Auditor completed his checks


Copy of the Annual Financial Statement to be circulated to Councillors for signing at June meeting.


The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking


Mrs A. Hunt (broadband costs). £30.00

Village Hall (May PC mtg). £18.00

B. Powell & Sons (replace chain link fence/clear brambles). £699.60 incl. vat

Gallagher Insurance (due 1st June 2024). £1,103.86

Netwise (website renewal). £396.00 incl. vat

MJP Bookkeeping (internal audit). £54.83



12/2024                 GENERAL MATTERS  


  1. New gate/footpath gate requested for public footpath CH7/34
  2. Query re working hours of builders at Combe Wood Lane site.
Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council