
Minutes of PC Meeting 22/08/2024.

Minutes Uploaded on September 18, 2024

Public time   –



Held in the Village Hall on Thursday 22nd August 2024 at 7.30pm


PARISH COUNCILLORS        Rev. Deborah Perreau, Vice- Chairman

Mrs Di Hine, Miss Sue Pargeter, Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake, Mrs. Louise Simmons,

Messrs. Ian Croucher, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead


Also    2 members of the public, – Mr. Martin Wale (County Councillors)

       and Mrs. A. Hunt – Parish Clerk


Apologies – Dr. Colin Ryall, Mr. Ed Cockburn, Mr. John Gilbert, Mrs. Jenny Kenton,

(County Councillor)




30/2024                 COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT


Martin Wale (County Councillor) – Somerset County are still selling off various assets to help towards the major deficit of funds.


31/2024                 MINUTES


The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 22nd July 2024 were approved as a true record and signed


32/2024                 COMBE WOOD REC. FIELD/LAWNS PLAY AREA  


  1. Following Request for Mud humps to be re-installed for children with bikes to use, a meeting was held with the resident and it was agreed they would clear the site of the long grass, etc. To date this has not yet happened. (see minute 24/2024)


33/2024                 THE LAWNS PLAY AREA


  1. a) The broken slat on the seat near the wall has been repaired.
  2. RoSPA annual report for the Play Equipment has been received and circulated. Points noted, and soil to be put around the various trip hazard areas. Welding to be arranged on the base of The Rockers
  3. The owners of the Neighbouring property need to erect a new fence. Due to the trees /bushes on the eastern boundary a meeting to be held on site re the line of this new fence.  Agreed in principle.


34/2024                 HIGHWAYS 


Following on from the `drains report` produced recently, various investigations have found out that to hire some gully gulper equipment is approx.£850 + £160 to dispose of the waste, but definite details not yet known.  Wambrook Parish have some equipment that could possibly be loaned out.   Meanwhile a letter received back from Highways setting out the time scale of cleaning drains depending on position/type of road.  A meeting is being arranged with them to ascertain the requirements that can help with the clearances.

Councillor Perreau is also arranging a meeting with the author of the report re flooding matters.


35/2024                  PLANNING


  • App. 24/01553 Land at Combe Head Barn, Fairclose. Change of use of agricultural land to holiday accommodation, installation of holiday lodge and foul water treatment upgrade to current system.

Applicant attended the meeting – it will consist of a 1 bedroomed lodge, holiday let.  Although temporary building it looks like a more permanent one.  It will be positioned on a slab base  Agreed unanimously.

  • App.18/040457/OUT Outline app, for mixed development, residential development up to 295 dwellings, provision of floodlit full size football pitch, unlit training pitch and community sport pitch with assoc. multi use clubhouse, spectator facilities and vehicular parking area, hub for local neighbourhood facilities and all other associated planning works. Revised information re flood risk assessment, nutrient report, slight amendment of site line.    As contents mainly environmental they are noted.  More definite structural information will be given if the Outline permission is granted, including grants from the 106 agreement, and CIL payments which can then be used towards community needs.

Copy of the previous outline comments also to be re-sent to accompany these comments.

  • App. 24/01599 Land at Barley Hill Farm, Barley Hill. Demolition of redundant buildings and erection of a dwelling with assoc. parking, garaging, stables, gardens and landscaping. No objections


36/2024                 FINGERPOSTS


Following decision at July meeting to check all the fingerposts 5 years on for original rejuvenation Councillor Stonex has checked them for current condition.  His report was circulated to all Councillors.  One arm of the fingerpost at the junction of Greenway and Whiteway has broken in half, possibly costing £450 – others have surface deterioration in places, etc.    Quotes will be obtained from Somerset Forge and a report will be made at the September meeting.

Councillor Stonex thanked for all his work on this subject.


37/2024                 DOG/LITTER BINS


Somerset County will probably start charging to empty these bins from April 2025 – could cost £8 per bin per collection.  There are currently 4 dog waste bins, and 4 public litter bins in this Parish, which could cost £3328 per annum.  After discussion it was suggested that 3 litter bins be removed but keep the 1 in the Play area and keep all 4 dog waste bins which would still cost £2080.  It was considered that the dog waste bins were more important rather than risk people not `picking it up`.  Mention to be made in the Cloverleaf Magazine for comments.


 37/2024                 FINANCE


The following payments has been received – Annual rent for The Moormans and also the VAT refund re payments made 4/2023 – 3/2024


The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking


Mrs A. Hunt (broadband costs)                                                       £30.00

Village Hall (Aug PC mtg)                                                                £18.00

Paul Maple (repair of broken seat on The Lawns                        £70.00

RoSPA (annual play equipment inspections)                              £216.00

Somerset. Assoc. of. Local. Councils (annual subscription)     £424.88

Mrs. A. Hunt (Salary Aug less Income Tax))


38/2024                 GENERAL MATTERS  


  1. Councillor Pargeter thanked the Council for paying the annual play equipment inspection for Underway Meade.
Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council